"A Delightfully Deceitful" tells the story of a genius girl who is accused of killing her parents and served time, only to be released after the real culprit emerges. The key to the drama is to find out her true identity, whether "Lee ro-um" is the innocent victim who didn't kill her parents, or the real murderer who killed her parents.
Just as Han Moo-yeong, a lawyer with hyperempathy syndrome who had a childhood relationship with Lee ro-um, watches him viewers also make puzzling inferences.
"A Delightfully Deceitful" is a mystery drama that raises many questions. From the truth about the death of Lee ro-um's parents to the group Red Eye, his past, and his thoughts at the present time, it is difficult to predict.
The "Delightfully Deceitful" episodes 1 and 2 stimulated curiosity like this and made me look forward to what kind of story will unfold. Here, Chun Woo-hee's acting transformation like Lee ro-um's role and Yoon-bak's role as Go yo-han stood out.
From the 3rd episode, the interest level decreased a little. This is because, rather than solving the curiosity about the past story, it was carried out as a fraud and solving pattern for individual cases. The story related to the red eye, which I knew as a plot, did not progress quickly, which was a bit frustrating. However, it was not boring because the basic character settings were interesting.
"Delightfully Deceitful" crosses the fourth wall, gives kind explanations to viewers, and depicts fraudulent behavior in its own way. That's why it's interesting because there are comical settings compared to the material of the drama.
Among the good acting and casting of the main actors, probation officer Go yo-han draws the most attention. It is because Yoon Bak acts unusually from the way he speaks to his actions, but he is also very curious about the true nature of quiet besides the reality of benefits.
What is the Go yo-han`s identity?
Go yo-han, who has a snarky and slightly unpleasant tone, may be a villain related to Red Eye, but from my point of view, Lee ro-um seems to be a softy-mind type character who cares not to become a criminal again.
It would be shocking if Lee ro-um was a reversal character who really murdered his parents, but since it is unlikely that the main character in a Korean drama would be set up like this, Go Yo-han will become an assistant to "Lee ro-um" along with Han Moo-young in the future.
From episode 5 of the beneficial scam, it seems that Ringo and the red-eye kids will work together to launch a bigger scam. As the number of characters increases, I hope the story will be more varied.
The story that Han Moo-young tells during the counseling session with Mo Jae-in seems to correspond to the last part of the drama. I want to get an answer quickly, wondering if Lee ro-um will be able to avenge himself, and if Han Moo-yeong has been tricked by Lee ro-um
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